
We live in a world where there seems to be an increasing need to fall under a certain category or predefined label. No matter what the topic is, everything has become highly polarized and we have lost track of ourselves in the process. On top of that, the upcoming data saturation era will only worsen the situation, as binary categorization will be even more in demand to make the overwhelming amount of information more manageable.

Nevertheless, this black-and-white thinking hardly represents the real shape of the world which is full of blurred lines. Concretely, from an artistic perspective, the need to fit into a specific style or genre forces artists to put aside their creative spirit, often making them try to ride the tide of the next trend without focusing on what is truly important. These constraints limit the underlying stories that every piece of art tries to convey, frustrating the artist’s vision and inhibiting any form of artistic expression.

This project arises from the need to break these established norms and forge a new path by means of two of my big passions: music and machine learning. The recent advances within the field of AI are giving us a tremendous opportunity to explore new forms of creating and depicting unprecedented ideas. Even though there is a widespread fear that automation and AI could kill creativity, I do believe that creativity is already dead in many ways and AI could be used to revive it.

In this context, let me introduce intermorph – a musical project driven by AI-based generative visuals and with the sole purpose of creating art that constantly evolves, just as life does, in an attempt to better reflect the nature of the ever-changing world. No music genres. No restraints. Just art.